The most important thing I have learned in the past 8 months is that life is too short to be a stick in the mud, let loose and smile! Have a good time. Laugh out loud and be happy. I don't want to look back and remember all the times I pouted because I didn't get my way. I want to look back and think of all the times we laughed together and had a great time as a couple in love, because that's just what we are:)
The greatest thing about finding the love of my life is that I also have found myself. Loving another reminded me to love myself again. I am going after everything I ever wanted. I am no longer scared of the future. I will break the cycle. I will have love, success and family. I will look back in five years and be proud of the decisions I have made, which will be a nice change!
I love reading your blogs! I always feel so inspired and encouraged after i read them :) I know we didn't get to know each other very well while I was working at Changs, but I have no doubt that we would have been close friends! Thank you for being real... its says a lot about your character and your relationship with God and i think its awesome!