Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Lunch Breaks

I must admit I am a little bitter that no one ever told me how wonderful a eight hour day with a one hour lunch break was. I don't even mind being at work until 7, because the normalty of the day.

This is just one of the many perks of my new job. I really enjoy having my own desk and area that is mine. It is also nice to have moments of peace and quiet and not always surrounded by people. I had some reservations about taking a desk job, but I am fortunate because I get to stay busy and not always at mydesk. I also think being away from the restuarant industry will help me form a healthier lifestlye, which I so crave.

 The view from my desk:)
first day of work on May 31, 2011.

The bigest struggle at the moment is the change in income. I went from making cash daily to not being paid for three weeks. Luckily I saved and was smart, but being paid hourly and not have cash daily has proven to be different. I like it already, though.

It's a learning process and my best friends have given me a wonderful website which will help me with budgeting (mint.com). The also gave me another great site they use to grocery shop and save money and it is emealz.com. So with these sites and then a little self control I should be doubling my savings in no time:)

I look forward to the next few week and all their is to learn at my new job. The future is looking bright and hopeful. I couldn't be a happier lady!!

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