Thursday, July 7, 2011

the fight.

On a whim last week I signed up for five yoga classes this month. I was easily motivated at the moment, because I want some health and fitness in my life. Well tonight I went. I conquered it and absolutely LOVED it. I carry stress in my shoulders and at this moment they are relaxed. I can't tell you the last time I didn't have tension in my upper back and shoulders. It feels great.

The experience was amazing. I sat at truly looked at myself for the first time in years. As most of you know I have put on nearly 50 pounds, of which had previously  lost years ago. It has been frustrating and disappointing. Tonight I looked at myself different. I saw a young woman trying to follow her dreams. Those dreams include living a healthy and long life with my family and hopefully children one day. It is reachable, but only through positive measures, not through beating myself up for putting the weight on. So as I sat there at the end of the yoga session relaxing and thinking and it came to me. "Cate let other people deal with their own's not your fight."

My fight has got to be to get healthy.

I am fighting for my life. I started over a year ago when I quit binge drinking. A year ago in June when I moved to Chattanooga. Nine months ago when I allowed myself to love a wonderful man, who not only loves me back but respects me. Six months ago when I quit smoking. Four months ago when I accepted Jesus Christ into my life and then again today when I made the decision to get healthy.

I want to live to be one hundred. To tell my great grand children stories of the old days and to sit on the front porch with Brett in our matching pj's. It won't happen by chance it will happen because I take care of myself and that I am doing today.

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