Monday, December 19, 2011

crafty Christmas.

Because who doesn't want to save money around the holidays. I had a party to get ready for, but needed to make sure everything was festive enough!

As I went to put silverware out I realized I didn't have anything to put it all in. So I went to my pantry that has just a few containers.

As I stood in my pantry, I saw the coffee jar and realized it would be perfect to hold my silverware, but I had to figure out how to cover it. Then it came to me! I had a whole thing of multi-colored yarn... perfection. So I took taped the yarn to the bottom rim and started wrapping the can. Simple and cheap.

The yarn was originally purchased for my Christmas cards. I already had mini clothes pins that my step mom had bought me years ago, but need string of some sort to hang the cards. While at Wal-Mart I came this yarn. And this is what I created...

Lastly, what Christmas is complete without Christmas trees? I got this great idea from Pinterest and then made it my own. All you need is a solo cup, paper, tissue paper, glitter, rubber cement and a hot glue gun{for the red tree}.

Nothing special, but I definitely enjoyed making some of my decorations versus buying them all! I hope you are inspired to do the same next year or maybe even last minute this year!

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