Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Weekend.

Undoubtedly my favorite time of year! Everything is blooming and being brought to life again. I think this time of year brings hope. It allows us to dream of late nights sitting on the porch with our loved ones, drives in the park, laying in bed with all the windows open. Just the whole vibe of spring is intoxicating.

Of course with this comes the inability to breath, but what a small price to pay:)

So Molly and I had a huge weekend! After a long day of work on Friday I took Molly downtown to check out Southern Burger food truck. She loved the smells of the truck as well as every, single individual that walked by us. I think people we scared of her at first, after all she is black and all black dogs are extremely vicious, but she would win them all over immediately as she rolled over on her back as the approached, just hoping for a belly rub. Saturday also proved to be a wonderful day for Molly pup, because I went downtown again to check on the food truck and it just so happened that there was a doggy treat store! I bought her an assortment of treats and gave her the bunny shaped one yesterday as a Easter gift:) Along with the bunny cookie she also got a trip to the dog park. Unfortunately Brett, Molly and I are all out of shape and the three of us ended up sitting under the tree in the shade, but it was nice out all the same!

Molly wasn't the only one to have an amazing weekend. I was lucky enough to get off from both jobs yesterday. I enjoyed an amazing sermon at Christway Community Church, lunch with Brett, the dogpark and then some time with my momma. I also made the conscious decision to not work on anything so I found a spot on the couch and watched all the trashy television I could find.

I've started to realize this past week that I am actually living my life and it's a great feeling! I feel so incredibly blessed to be where I am and have every intention of making the most of it:)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

If you don't believe in something, then you will fall for anything...

 This couldn't be more true! It's time I stand for something.... actually many things. I was always scared to believe in happy endings because I didn't want to be disappointed, but forget that because I am tired of being prepared to fail. I am preparing myself for success.
 Success is something I haven't prepared for since 2006 when I graduated for college. Some time in the past five years I quit caring about my future. I quit investing in my future.... how RUDE! My parents invested most of their adult life providing me with everything I needed to succeed, including a college education from The University of Tennessee. You know how I repaid them? I took it for granted and cared more about having a good time than doing something with myself. Well it's time I pay them back. Show them I am the young woman they raised. Time for some success in my life!

I stand for God, love, success, a healthy lifestyle, balance and happiness to mention a few.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

taking life by charge

For those of you catching up on my life I have been working at P.F. Chang's China Bistro for nearly six years. I have been blessed to have met some lifelong friends and make some fairly decent money, but a month ago I decided I needed a challenge so I work at Bonefish Grill as well! Because I am narotic and crazy I also decided to sell Mary Kay and today I begin my work with Southern Burger Company.  Crazy, maybe, but more than anything I am willing to try anything until I firgure out what I want to do when I "grow up."

I have had many dreams and talked myself out of everything I ever wanted to do because I was always scared I would fail, but last night I was watching television and realized I have the knowledge and willingness to work my butt off and could be successfull. So starting today I am dedicating myself to my future. A future filled with love and stability. A future where Brett, Molly and I can enjoy life and all God has to offer.

Wish my luck and keep me in your prayers!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

an AMAZING year

 For the first time in my life I can look back at the past year and say it was completely amazing. It is such a great feeling to know that I am growing each and every day and heading down the right path. After many years of bad decisions I have finally turned my life around... Thanks be to God.