Thursday, April 21, 2011

If you don't believe in something, then you will fall for anything...

 This couldn't be more true! It's time I stand for something.... actually many things. I was always scared to believe in happy endings because I didn't want to be disappointed, but forget that because I am tired of being prepared to fail. I am preparing myself for success.
 Success is something I haven't prepared for since 2006 when I graduated for college. Some time in the past five years I quit caring about my future. I quit investing in my future.... how RUDE! My parents invested most of their adult life providing me with everything I needed to succeed, including a college education from The University of Tennessee. You know how I repaid them? I took it for granted and cared more about having a good time than doing something with myself. Well it's time I pay them back. Show them I am the young woman they raised. Time for some success in my life!

I stand for God, love, success, a healthy lifestyle, balance and happiness to mention a few.

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