Wednesday, April 18, 2012

On the inside.

I'm totally in love with my home. I aimlessly walk around, taking in all the space and charm!

To top off the beautiful home, we have some great neighbors that we already had dinner with at Amigo's across the street!! Not to mention Amigo's has $2.50 nachos on Tuesday.... needless to say I will have my fill of Mexican food.

Enjoy the pictures of the inside!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

the house.

I haven't wanted to get to excited because it wasn't final, but today I found out I will be closing on my first home on Monday!! I am beyond excited that I have reached this point in my life and can't wait to move in Monday evening.

So here it is...

{3707 Casa de Molly}

{with the Loretta}

{new roof}

{back deck off of master suite}

I am in love. It was built in 1946, foreclosed on in September 2010 and purchased by the current sellers. They took it down to the studs and put on a new roof and siding. They refinished the hardwood floors and did an immaculate job on the painting and details. It's 3/2 with a huge master suite! The best part is that it sits on an acre and Molly has a huge back yard. 

More pictures to come. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Oh, April.

The past year writing has been the one thing that gave my solace, but recently I have been all over the place in my head that I simply couldn't imagine sitting down to write. I haven't had a clear thought in months. It's exhausting and for whatever reason the beginning of the year is always like this for myself.

I don't have anything exciting to share today, but wanted to thank each and everyone of you who has read my blog over the past year. Your comments and messages warmed my heart and I assure you there is more to come.I just bought my first home, started working out again for first time in years and am approaching 30 with an overwhelming excitement and fill certain there will be many amazingly stupid and funny stories to follow! And as always I will share the ups and downs and look forward to sharing them all with each of you.

Thank you, everyone!

Much Love,
