Wednesday, June 22, 2011

happy life.

Six months ago I sat in an interview and was asked, "why now?." I told the gentleman that I was hungry for a career. I was tired of mindless work and "craved" bringing work home. Really all I wanted was a challenge. To have a purpose and to be busy.

Wish granted.

Not only do I have a job that keeps me busy while on the job, I have a second job that keeps me busy at night. I love it. I have even found time workout, too.

proof of it. lol.

I feel better already.

Since I no longer work in a restaurant, resisting food has been much easier. I don't go home every day mad at myself for eating a cup of hot and sour soup. Or for eating too much family meal. It's nice not being tempted constantly. It also helps with my mindset, because losing weight doesn't seem like such a uphill battle anymore. I can do it. I did it before and I will do it again. The 32 steps to my apartment help, too. Especially since I walk them a minimum of six times a day. That's 192 steps that I have added to my daily routine. I also walk to work.

I can do it. I am certain of it...but please remind me if I start doubting myself.

Life is good, though. If you had told me a year ago, when I moved to Chattanooga for no known reason, that I would be at this place in my life, I would of made you promise. There was no visible path for me to change my life around that much. At least I didn't think so then. Boy do things change. It must be a God thing.

I have done it. That's all I keep thinking. I don't have a dream job or a dream life. What I do have those is a life a enjoy and people in it that I love.

No more regrets. Just living a full life in love.

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