Wednesday, September 14, 2011


in the kitchen.

It's about darn time is all I can say. For years I have be intrigued by great cooks. I would always ask questions and want to learn how to be a great cook myself, but time and time again I got the same response, "just try things."

The perfectionist in me just hasn't been able to let go until recently. Maybe it's because I finally have control of the rest of my life so I don't care to let loose in the kitchen. Maybe I'm hungrier than I use to be or maybe I just got tired of eating the same boring crap, but either way I am loving all the new eats.

I tried fried okra for the first time last week and tonight Brett said it was perfect. Not likely, but it was good. I even used jiffy mix instead of corn meal ( I am now down to 7 boxes, I guess I get excited about the fact it's only $.42 so I buy a lot).

I also tried are Mexican tacos and I tried making the shredded chicken that the restaurants have... success! Brett even requested them this week.

My baking has also expanded! I had three almost bad bananas so today I made banana bread and last week I made mint chocolate chip cookies. A guy at work told me they were the best cookies he has ever had... thanks pinterest.

The best thing about all of this is that I truly enjoy cooking and I am learning lots. Maybe one day when my kids are away at college they will want to come home just for my cooking.

Like everything else, I am doing this with love. Not long ago I lived without any love in my life, but today thanks to a patient support system of family and friends I now can say each day I live with love.

I think that's why I enjoy cooking, too. Because I cook with love for my love and for myself, that I love again.

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