Friday, September 2, 2011

the whole enchilada.

I am sitting here watching "Millionaire Matchmaker" and this young man couldn't believe a women could be both career minded and domestic. This made me think... are there lots of men out there with this line of thinking? More so, are there women out there that think the same thing.

It wasn't long ago that I thought this. I thought that women who wanted to be at home with the kids lacked ambition and drive(please don't hate me for being forthcoming, trust me I don't think this anymore). I didn't understand that I could have the job of my dreams and then come home and cook dinner for the family. Crazy thought, because I do it all now. I don't have kids yet, but I spend 50+ hours a week working, keep up a house, have dinner on the table every night Brett and I are home together, craft, spend time with friends, bake and love my Molly. This is nothing compared to most people, but it's a far cry from my frame of mind a few years ago.

Maybe it's time us women take a stand for ourselves. Time to show everyone that we can be the modern day mom that has dinner ready, but also has a life of her own. Why not have it all! Most importantly we need to make sure we are in this together, helping one another and sharing our secrets. 

Really I just want to thank all the amazing women in my life... you all are my rock!

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