Monday, December 12, 2011

a few sweets.

{a new tradition}

Peppermint Bark. It's a must try.

All you need is vanilla baking chips {24 oz.}, box of off brand chex cereal {13 oz.} and a box of candy canes. Melt the vanilla chips, mix in the peppermints and pour over cereal. I like it better than puppy chow/white trash or whatever name you might have for a chocolaty version!

{an old tradition}

I was lazy today and used Betty Crocker's sugar cookie mix, but what I want to share is my icing recipe. It's one my step mom has always used and I just know you will love it!

Mix together powder sugar, milk, food coloring {of your choice} AND a splash of almond extract. The almond extract is the key and makes all the difference.  Use varying amounts on above ingredients based on how thick or runny you want your icing.

I hope you love these both as much as I do!

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