Friday, May 6, 2011

Craft time Friday

My friend Kate gave me a craft idea and I can't wait to get off work and hit up Hobby Lobby. I will be making no sew flowers, which are the cutest lil flowers that I can put in all the vases in my apartment that are currently empty. Yes I collect vases and don't buy fresh flowers regularly:)

I feel at peace.

It's been an amazing week, which started with church in the dark on Sunday. Dinner with Miss Swinney three times this week!!!! And falling in love all over again with my amazing boyfriend Brett.  It sure is amazing what gifts God had in store, just had to open up that dialogue and talk to Him.

I put a picture of my love and I, because, as I already explained, I LOVE pictures. Aren't we just the cutest. A lil' chubby, but we are both working on that! I love that man, he's the calm to my storm. And I just did the math that if I average falling in love with him all over again at the current rate of 7 months and we spend the rest of our life together and live to be 85, then I will fall in love with him another 99 times. Sounds like a pretty good future if you ask me:)

Have a wonderful weekend and I'll post some pictures of my no sew flowers!

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